Green Superfood | Discover Green Superfoods and how Food Matters | FOODMATTERS®

See on – Food, wine and other pleasures Green superfoods have the highest concentrations of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. See on

Regular glass of wine ‘helps prevent thinning bones just like drugs’

Good news for all women who are winelovers! Researchers concluded that one or two glasses of wine a day worked well as drugs at maintaining bone strength. A review team from the International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research found regular moderate intake of alcohol after menopause helped maintain bone strength. The experts, who analysed a study … Continue reading

Eating habits: The Marilyn Monroe diet

What did Marilyn Monroe eat when she wanted to lose a few pounds ? Apparently, a very hearty diet. Hollywood’s most revered actress kept her curves in good shape by following a high-protein and low fat diet. The kicker? The diet allowed her to enjoy a nightcap of eggnog. Let’s not forget this was back in the … Continue reading

Next restaurant – Paris 1906

We had announced few month back that Chef Grant Achatz and his crew were busy preparing the launch of his latest innovative concept. The good news is that it is now open for bookings and the excitement is huge! Next offers a tasting menu based on a specific time and place (i.e. Paris, 1906; Hong Kong … Continue reading

His majesty Asparagus

Asparagus is a long-lived perennial, grown for its young tender shoots and ornamental foliage, and has been used as food for thousands of years. Pliny the Elder described cultivation methods used by the Romans for producing plants with blanched stems and of a cultivar producing spears of which three weighed a pound. Wild asparagus still … Continue reading

Ginger – the wonder spice

Though called a root, it is actually the rhizome of the monocotyledonous perennial plant Zingiber officinale. Originating in southern China, the cultivation of ginger spread to India, Southeast Asia, West Africa, and the Caribbean. The English word ginger is etymologically related to the Tamil iñci, having been borrowed into Indo-European languages from a Dravidian language. Ginger … Continue reading

Hilton Launches Eforea Spa

Hilton has announced that it is to follow competitor Sheraton in revamping its global spas. The brand, which operates 123 spas around the world and has another 80 under construction, says that its new “eforea” spas will “bring balance and wellness to the body and take guests on a transformative journey of the senses.” In … Continue reading

Food Companies And Health Science

Nestle’s announcement that it’s expanding rapid fire into the new world of Health Sciences is evidence that it there’s a massive opportunity for food to get closer to the world of pharma and possibly provide an alternative. Nestle obviously has a head start in this space as it’s been part of its vision for years, but … Continue reading

Black rice for health

Black rice – revered in ancient China but overlooked in the West – could be one of the greatest “superfoods”, scientists believe. The cereal is low in sugar but packed with healthy fibre and plant compounds that combat heart disease and cancer. It was known as “forbidden rice” in ancient China because only nobles were … Continue reading

The anti-ageing ‘super tomato’

Italian farmers have this month presented a square shaped ‘super tomato’ which they say can help slow the ageing process while giving people’s taste buds a treat at the same time. Farmers union Coldiretti said the new variety’s anti-ageing properties stem from its high concentrations of lycopene, a red pigment that is one of the … Continue reading